Laser and Surgical Procedures Examination

The Laser and Surgical Procedures Examination (LSPE) is designed to assess optometric cognitive ability to appropriately manage and perform certain laser and surgical skills.

LSPE is a stand-alone elective exam offered to 4th year optometric students, optometric residents, and optometric practitioners administered at NCCTO. This is a hybrid examination consisting of both a clinical skills portion and a multiple-choice portion which is administered in a computer-based testing (CBT) format.

Please see the calendar linked here for a preview of exam dates being offered when registration opens on Thursday March 27, 2025 at 9:00PM Eastern for NCCTO examinations (Part III PEPS, ISE, and LSPE) beginning August 2025. Note: NCCTO will be relocating and exams administered beginning August 2025 will be at the Edison Building located at 7910 Microsoft Way, Charlotte, NC 28273.