Patient Encounters and Performance Skills

The NBEO Part III Patient Encounters and Performance Skills (PEPS) Examination is the final part of the core NBEO competency testing sequence that addresses case analysis, critical thinking, and essential skills evaluation in a simulated-live patient encounter. Our state of the art testing facility allows the NBEO to provide the safety, security, and standardization necessary to ensure fairness and validity in a high-stakes testing environment.

Please see the calendar linked here for a preview of exam dates being offered when registration opens on Thursday March 27, 2025 at 9:00PM Eastern for NCCTO examinations (Part III PEPS, ISE, and LSPE) beginning August 2025. Note: NCCTO will be relocating and exams administered beginning August 2025 will be at the Edison Building located at 7910 Microsoft Way, Charlotte, NC 28273.